San Diego CFAR (SDCFAR) Holds Ending the HIV Epidemic Community Summit
On Saturday, February 29th, 2020, the San Diego Center for AIDS Research (SDCFAR) held the Ending the HIV Epidemic Community Summit.
Community engagement has been fundamental in the fight against HIV, and it is now more important than ever as we look towards ending the HIV epidemic. The San Diego Ending the HIV Epidemic Community Summit was designed to provide an overview of this initiative as well as serve as a listening session forum to ensure that the communities most effected by our HIV epidemic have a voice in the planning of and implementation of our local response. This summit was the first of several community events and strategies that we hope will help frame San Diego’s collective response rooted in the meaningful engagement of affected community members. Community members from across San Diego were able to join for presentations by Dr. Jamila K. Stockman of the iStrive Research Lab and SDCFAR, Dr. Susan Little of the SDCAR, San Diego HIV Planning Group Chair Joe Burke, and others, as well as conversations on advancing HIV care and research in the San Diego community. Learn more about Ending the HIV Epidemic!
- Dr. Susan Little Presenting at the Ending the HIV Epidemic Summit
- Attendees at the Ending the HIV Epidemic Community Summit.
- Nothing About Us Without Us : Joe Burke, San Diego HIV Planning Group Chair, moderates the panelists at the summit.