Investigating Syndemic and Trauma Related Influences on HIV/AIDS Etiology
LinkPositively: A Technology-Delivered Peer Navigation and Social Networking Intervention to Improve HIV Care
The BRIDGES Project: Bridging Resources to Engage Women in Integrated HIV Care and Support Services
The THRIVE Study: Sexual Trauma and HIV Susceptibility among Women
The Essence Project: Examining Stress, Sexual Experiences, and Neighborhood Correlates of HIV Risk
Jóvenes Sanos: Preventing IPV and Reproductive Coercion among Underserved Adolescents
SALUD: Syndemic Alcohol Use Disorders, Violence, and HIV/STI in Young Latino Men
Double Vulnerabilities of Violence and HIV among Women in Brazil
Adapting an Intervention to Reduce IPV and Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Adolescent Girls in Mexico
MuMi: Estimating labor exploitation and HIV/STI risk and infection among female migrants at the Mexico-Guatemala border
Not Just The Needle: Prevention in HIV positive substance users globally in Brazil, Thailand, Zambia
The Role of Peer Navigators and Social Support in the HIV Care Continuum: Perceptions of HIV-Positive Women
HIGHLITES: A pilot program for stimulant-using women in abusive relationships
Proyecto Compadre: Community Engagement to Prevent, Detect, and Treat HIV/AIDS among Latino Men
The COPE Study: Capturing Women’s Experiences with Mental Health and Violence in Outbreak and Pandemic Environments